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Dating advice for men who feel insecure about their appearance.

1. Don't jump the gun

Don't assume that believing you're ugly is based on an objective self-assessment of your appearance.

It's usually a rationalisation made by our deflated egos after we've experienced a string of unsuccessful dating pursuits.

"One girl put me in the friend-zone, another told me she wasn't attracted to me, and another ghosted me. That settles it, I'm ugly."

No you're not. You just need a couple of pursuits to go your way.

2. Confidence is and always will be the most attractive trait a man can possess

And no matter your physical looks, everyone is capable of becoming confident.

According to research, the most telling trait of a successful salesperson is that they believe in the products they're selling.

Similarly, the most telling trait of a man's dating success is his self-confidence.

3. Women are far less fixated on looks

Just because you might place looks at the top of your priority list, doesn't mean women do.

There are plenty of conventionally unattractive guys with incredibly attractive partners. And no, it's not just because these guys are rich.

Sure, good looking guys attract more initial attention from women, but it's only confident guys with engaging personalities that build connections and create sparks. And neither of these traits are looks dependent.

4. Are you ugly? Or are you failing to make the most of what you’ve got?

You have no right to complain about your looks if:

  • You’re not actively working to be in shape
  • You’ve never Googled: ‘What’s the best haircut and facial hair design for my face shape’
  • You don’t know how to dress fashionably and height and body type appropriately
  • You don’t keep your skin and hair clean and moisturised
  • You don’t take care of your teeth
  • You rarely get a good night’s sleep